How Busy is the Automation Industry April 2021
It seems like there have been a huge number of posts talking about everyone is busy or needs to hire right now.
So I asked the burning question – How busy is everyone – really?
The results were not necessarily shocking, but very telling as to what the next few months of this year will bring for everyone.
Over the course of almost 10,000 views, 310 votes, 34 comments, you answered!
100% at Capacity 42%
Need to Hire Right Now! 30%
Need more work. 21%
Taking long weekends. 07%
Surprising Results
Maybe – but if these results mirror what I’m personally seeing and what I’m hearing online. There is going to continue to be a big boom in demand for the entire manufacturing and industrial sectors across the board.
See the results and join the conversation: here.
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See all the LinkedIn Poll results.
Be sure to check out everything Dave writes: