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Automation folks: How do you find jobs?

Automation folks: How do you find jobs?

Automation folks: How do you find jobs?

Either your current job, or how would you look for your next job?

It seems like job searching continues to get more and more convoluted.

I remember my mom telling me to look for jobs in the newspaper.

In fact whenever I make it back there she hand me a bunch of circled “leads” from the newspaper articles, which continues to get smaller and smaller.
I always appreciate her help… and try not to roll my eyes.

The Internet and job boards.
This feels like a spray and pray approach, where you can apply to hundreds of jobs and hear nothing.

Can they be trusted? Do they have your best interest in mind?

From LinkedIn, College, your in person network?

All of these?
None of these?
Something else?

Let me know what you think below!


Over the course of almost 6,00 views, 186 votes, and 34 comments you answered!



From your network (LinkedIn)?        47%

Recruiters?             23%

Internet and job boards?         23%

Other (Please Comment)       07%



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