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LinkedIn PollsManufacturing

Would you be interested in a Cross Industry – Cross Discipline collective?

Would you be interested in a Cross Industry – Cross Discipline collective?
Building standards and demos for data (and protocol) standards.


When do we build our own standards and lead the way in the community?

How about now!

The question is simple – Would you be interested in a Cross Industry – Cross Discipline collective? Building standards and demos for data (and protocol) standards.

The goal would be to come up with some standards, some white papers, some demo projects and more as it grows.

Sean Terrell is wondering what that would look like to start to build that looking at the data side. To help with white papers, and help make sure that every project and eventually every protocol is included.

This will help as we build data into #MachineLearning and #ArtificialIntelligence applications.

Now it’s your turn.

Would you be interested?

Are we on the right track?


Over the course of almost 6,000 views, 65 votes, 27 comments, you answered!


Yes – a delegate/participate.                       63%

Yes – follow recommendations.                          22%

Other (Please Comment).                                  09%

Nope, I’m going to do me.                                06%


We did have some good conversations about how this would be different than everything else that is in the process.

I suggest you take a look and if you’re interested, then please reach out the Sean!


See the LinkedIn Post.

See all the polls Dave is running.