Is Industrial Software and Support Too Expensive?
I asked you, the community the question of ” Should we pay for Industrial software & support or should it be free?”
Going into this I completely knew that it could be a loaded question. It seems like on many corners of the internet and bars around conference time, this is a hotly contested subject.
I find this is especially the case when we’re dealing with Rockwell’s toolkit (in quantity), end users, and/or Integrators who need to stack many different offerings with vendors all of whom have fees for software and support.
I was actually pretty shocked with the results…
Over the course of almost 26,500 views, 519 votes, 127 comments, and more than a few direct messages you answered!
NO! Already purchased hardware 36%
Yes, but it’s too expensive… 33%
Yes, We get great service! 24%
Other (Please Comment) 07%
Shocking Results:
The most shocking thing was not that 36% of people don’t want to pay for this software & support.
The most shocking thing was that a combined 57% said that we should pay for the software & support. 24% of those people think that the pricing is spot on!
See all the LinkedIn Poll results.
Be sure to check out everything Dave writes:
See this poll and all the great comments & discussion.